5 Expert Tips to Reading WAY More Books This Year

John Rampton (Entrepreneur and investor)

Quit early

Gretchen Rubin, author of bestselling book The Happiness Project has found that the "winners don't quit" mentality isn't an effective mentality when it comes to reading. Rubin explains that quitting early gives you "More time for reading good books! Less time reading books out of a sense of obligation."

Read books that you actually enjoy

This piggybacks on the previous point. But when you read books that you actually want to read, you'll find it more difficult to put it down. For example, I'm a big Stephen King fan. Is reading the Dark Tower series going to make me a better entrepreneur or father? No. But, I enjoy reading and become so immersed that I have to keep reading.
Wait a minute. Who can actually judge whether reading the Dark Tower series helps me or not. Maybe it does make me a better entrepreneur. Stay tuned for later comments about that.
At the same time, I also mix it-up -- not just Stevie-boy King for me. I will read biographies or books focused on leadership. Even though they may help me professionally, I still enjoy reading them.

Always have a book on-hand.

You will always have an opportunity to read. You'll read on your morning commute (well, iBook if you are driving). There is time when waiting at the doctor's office, or wasting a couple of minutes before a meeting or conference call.
I find I can bear the line at the grocery store much better with a book, while the guy at checkout looks for his card. Instead of letting this time go unused, pick-up a book and start reading.
The only way you can take advantage of short minutes is if you have a book on hand. That's why I always carry a book with me. And, thanks to gadgets like Kindle, this is even more convenient.

 Use technology to your advantage.

Personally, I love physical books. Nothing beats the smell and texture of an actual book in your hands. And studies have found that reading print leads to better comprehension and retention compared to computer screens.
But, sometimes carrying a book around isn't easy or convenient. Today you can read a book on your iPad or Kindle while traveling. Even listening to an audiobook through Audible or iBook, whatever, while working out.
In short, using technology gives you more opportunities to digest even more books throughout the year.

 Change your mindset.

"The key to reading lots of book begins with stop thinking of it as some activity that you do," writes Media strategist and author Ryan Holiday. "Reading must become as natural as eating and breathing to you. It's not something you do because you feel like it, but because it's a reflex, a default."

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